
自主上映団体 Calling は、京都、大阪、神戸の京阪神間に在住し活動する4名の映像作家により立ち上げられた上映団体である。



前身企画として2019年2月9日から11日の3日間に京都五条lumen galleryにて平成生まれの映像作家のための自主上映会「平成Calling」を企画。



以降、東京(渋谷 イメージフォーラム)・大阪(此花 FIGYA)・韓国 釜山(釜山国際映画祭 招待企画)など様々な地域で上映活動を意欲的に行い活動している。


Calling is an independent screening organization founded by four filmmakers living and working in the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area.


Through activities to call and interact with various genres, styles, and places, we are seeking a new way of presenting the moving image works.


As a predecessor project, we organized a voluntary screening event, "Heisei Calling" for filmmakers born in Heisei era (1989-2019) at the Gojo lumen gallery in Kyoto from February 9th to 11th, 2019.

The event gathered and screened the works of young filmmakers from all over Japan.

Since then, we have been enthusiastically conducting screening programs in various places such as Tokyo (Shibuya Theater Image Forum), Osaka (Konohana FIGYA), and Busan, South Korea (Busan International Film Festival Invited Project).