Lino Heissenberg


Lino Heissenberg is a German-based artist and writer specializing in digital media, nerd culture and language. He works eclectically with media like video, drawings and video games while concentrating on different concepts of storytelling and memorization as well as the commentation and deconstruction of seemingly hermetic narrative systems. 

Little Monster


Short film


Little Monster is a piece originally consisting of a dark area or room, my old mp3 player from the mid-2000s, edited found footage playing on it, and a subwoofer.

In 2008, I was at a concert where photographing and filming were strictly forbidden; but I was accompanied by my mother, who filmed what happened on stage nonetheless. I copied the footage to my mp3 player and didn't watch it for about six years, until I rediscovered it in 2014, slowed it down to approx. 1/4 of its former speed and subtitled it with all the thoughts and memories which immediately resurfaced upon reviewing the file.

The piece is shown on the original device it was stored on for about six years, and the heavily decelerated sound is played through the subwoofer, evocating a shabby club atmosphere in the black box with the mp3 player as its only source of light.

A piece on the (in)visibility of memory and its cross-contaminating behavior, the narration of the self, and growing pains.


What's Love Got To Do With It


2014 short


Over the course of twelve minutes, a polaroid image is filmed, developing.

In an English voice-over I tell different stories which gradually intertwine. Guiding threads appear between memories, ideologies and relationships, between London and all of Germany, between the early 2000s and the summer of 2014, between poetry slams and the Festival of Love, between the racism of one's relatives and how to still love them, and lastly between starting a collection and adding the final piece.