Calling in Online
XR Experimental Cinematheque
Calling in Online
XR Experimental Cinematheque
14:00 in Germany(GMT+2)〜
21:00 in Japan(GMT+9)〜
■Streaming Platform
Mozilla Hubs / Youtube
■Participating Creators
「"1, 2, 3, 4..." (National Gymnastics)」Younghee Shin
「Little Monster」 Lino Heissenberg
「INTERFERENCE」 Kazuma Nakaichi
「I know where you are right now /私はあなたが今どこにいるか知っている。」
「The ants」「Message to heaven」 Vitalii Shupliak
「InSearchofprojectionlight Pre-Composition」Yüiho Umeoka
「Testing Trixi」 Nick Schamborski
「Prayer to our Father」Yu-Jin Kim
COVID-19 has been widely affected our daily life globally since 2020, and it has been reducing the chances of watching films in conventional cinemas and theatres. The opportunity to watch the moving image works at home by on-demand and live-streaming using the internet increase more and more.
As of 2021, the pandemic has not yet converged, and many independent screening events in physical have been forced to cancel, and activities on this field are shifting to online screening and so on.
Calling in Online: XR Experimental Cinematheque is not an online screening event as an "evacuation place" from COVID-19, but for the purpose of the screening event in a social VR space and an experience of its know-how as an opportunity to explore the ideal way of screening event with/after the pandemic.
Stay tuned.
Calling Theater
Calling Theater は、VRプラットフォーム Mozilla Hubsを用いた実験的なオンラインシアターです。
※Calling Theater (Mozilla Hubs)の映像視聴は、PC版ブラウザのみご覧いただけます。
※Mozilla Hubs 使用ブラウザはMozilla Firefox Google Chromeを推奨します。
※作品本編及びトークはYouTube Liveでもご覧いただけます。
・Mozilla Hubsが拓く新世代WebVRのススメ
Calling Theater is an experimental online theater using the VR platform Mozilla Hubs.
Unlike the conventional one-way screening format, this screening event carries out an interactive format using avatars.
※Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome is recommended as the browser for Mozilla Hubs.