Nick Schamborski


My name is nick schamborski. I am a culture worker. By that i mean that i discuss, produce and consume art and every day culture. My goal is to participate in our societies discourses. I was born into a racist, sexist and divers discriminating culture. This is an important starting point to rethink, unlearn and change. The artworks I develop by myself or in collaboration observe economic hierarchize and call out for social responsibility. When I think about big topics like fascism I first try to understand how its structures my immediate surrounding; my home, my relationships and my context. Also I am interested in using daily media that I consume as an instrument for public discussion. My University in brunswick nominated me for the federal award of art students. I am very grateful for that opportunity and i would like to share this video with you: 


Photocredits: hitus t. manleitner

Testing Trixi


2020 Short film


DealWithIt, eine fiktive App wird in diesem Film getestet. Diese verspricht Anwendungsoptionen für problematische Denkmäler im

öffentlichen Raum. Eine historische Abhandlung zum Kolonialdenkmal Braunschweig und Vorschläge für Veränderungen.

DealWithIt, a fictional app is tested in this lm, which promises possible options for dealing with problematic monuments in public

spaces. A historical disquisition on the colonial monument in Braunschweig and suggestions for changes.

Cinematography : hitus t. manleitner Set operative: Thomas Depner


Angels Tutorial


2018 Experimental


Photoshop as politic iconoclasm. modifying history in the era of fake news. a personal anecdote to national flags.